Johnny Marr – God’s Gift Lyrics

Oh, worldliness
A tendency
And your duress
I get it
I believe that I get it
Pure phoniness
The A to Z of your distress
It’s quite the trip
I believe that I hear it

Your holiness
You speak your truth
Go confess
Now I get it
Praise to thee
Oh, I see it
Same old address
Well, here’s the truth
More or less
Oh, I hear it
Who asked for it?
But I hear it

God’s gift
Who need this A to Z ?
Oh, I get it
I concede so I get it
I got the drift
Who needs it?
I believe that I get it
I do believe that I get it

Lord, phoniness
The more I see
The more I get
So I’m with it
Glory be
I’m down with it
Bring on duress
On your trip
Save the rest
So I take it
Seek your truth
Now I get it

God’s gift
Who needs this?
Glory be
Oh, I get it
I believe that I get it
I got the drift
Who needs it?
Praise to thee
How I get it
I do believe that I get it

God’s gift
Who need this A to Z?
Oh, I get it
I believe that I get it
Who needs it?
I believe that I get it
I do believe that I get it

God’s gift
Who needs this?
I concede
So I get it
Glory be
Yeah, I get it
Who needs it?
Praise to thee
Now I get it
I do believe that I get it

(I believe that I get it
I believe that I get it
I believe that I get it
I believe that I get it)

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